Friday 27 July 2012

That there London

Managed a trip with Peek to the big city last weekend, our first weekend away from Rhys. Totally avoided any Olympic things and had a really fun weekend of seeing old friends, eating and drinking. The sun also appeared and I managed to get out for a skate for the first time in ages with Barrows finest tattoo expert Smell. Stockwell and Kennington were the order of the day, lots of fun hacking about but Kennington lines were ruined by poor drainage. The new stuff is good though, go schralp it. Took a few pics to document the fact I made it out for a skate.

Anthony's friend Matt rock n rolling. Rad fella although
I felt a bit odd being the only person not having been drawn on.
Anthony aka Smell rocking the other way.
And a 5-0 off the end at Kennington. Lovely muddy puddles eh?

Monday 16 July 2012

At last

After a few weeks of missing swell through illness and other comittments I finally got in on the weekend. Not a great swell but a fun surf all the same due to it being spent in the company of the soon to be hitched Mr Bisson and the soon to be a lucky-bastard-surfing-Panama Mr Poulet. Surfing with mates always makes it a good time.

Shot not from the session but our first surf at Tonel in Portugal. Poulet laying down a heavy cutty.